Is Zephaniah become...???
Jovial to share my blog to everyone..!!!
Rotted the whole morning. *..Bored..* Watched my SIP group members swimming in the internet. ma jiam very nice to suf..??? Luckily, one of my grp member is close to me. But.. He always bully me with love. Ke lian de wo!! (-_-)"
Let me introduced him to u.. His name is Bryan.. opps.. should be Zephaniah, Xian Wei Jing Xia De Mei Shao Nan (Zeph). Guess what?? We are from the same company but different producer. We created on the same yEaR, same dAtE, BUT....dfFeReNt tImE..!! Haha..!!! Glad to have him in my life. That Zeph is a funny guy, always jap me..!! He very the ...(Buai ta han), asking me whether his face become fat??
LOLz Zehp:Go find out yrself ba!

hum* Miss my |aOgOng very much...!!!
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