Eeeeeee... Feeling unwell this morning. Vomited out those disgusting watery *things*. Yucks..
But now feeling better, more energetic..Yeah..!!!
Now waiting 4pm to come.... SME BBQ OuTiNg...!!! wahhahahaha....

Hahaz..Paiseh.. Now then update the Picz of the SME outing..
It was a fun day!! Coz kinda loves to see those guys kanna SaBoz..!!! I'm bad right??? Hahaz They were being carried, pulled, dragged and thrown into the sea..!!! LOLz.. So Ke lian Siaz..Poor poor thing menz!!! Coz most of them kanna injured as they was thrown into the dirty dark sea..Wahahahaha..
Dong Ming was kanna SaBo with flour and other things..coz Sunday (25/7) was he BDAY..!!!
Here By WiSh U haPpY BeLaTeD 22th BiRd DaY...!!! sTaY HaPpY aLwAyS...
UpDated on (30/7/04)
are u alritz...lao po...
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