|T's gONnA bE aNoThEr dAy wItH tHe SuNsH|nE....

Wa|tInG involve tRuStInG....!!!

Sunday, May 08, 2005

kInDa dIsaPpoInTeD of.... & pRouD oF dAd

I just don't understand y people like to fen NI, WO, Ta.... No matter what we are still the same NEO family wad.. But Y none of my 2nd grandma's children come & bai my dad today???? At least one represent (from 2nd grandma's children) lah.. All are grandpa's children... All are siblings mah.... Bu shi mah??? This morning, onli dad's real sibings and my family went to Guang Ming Hill there to Bai my dad and picked his ashes... After that we went to my 4th uncle hse to bai our 2nd grandma (passed away for 102days, by right shd bai on 100days de, so together yi qi bai on the same day)... Coz of the reason of they didnt come... My 3rd aunt very angry with them... So she also didnt go & bai my 2nd grandma.. hAiz.. I just don't understand Y... very disappointed... haiz.. we shdn't fen, ni shi ni de... wo shi wo de... Wo men dou you 2 grandma.. they are our grandma.. Our grandpa's wifes... Quan bu dou shi wo men de gu gu, shu shu.. To them... Quan bu dou shi ta men de xiong di jie mei...for my family, 2nd grandma told ppl that my mum is her Xi Fu.. she didnt fen like my dad is not her qing sheng de.. See.. she also recognised my mum lor.. my mum also treat her like her own Ma lor.. My 2nd grandma also very dot 3 of us lor... that was past... haiz...hmmz I remembered, that time when dad was in hospitalise.. he told all his siblings... and even the 3 of us... Wo men yao xiang qin xiang ai, xiong di jie mei dou yao he mu gong chu.. Bu yao wei le mo mo shi er fan mu cheng chou.. neng zhuo xiong di jie mei is yuan fen de... hmmz someting like that.. actually alot.. I cant remember la.. anyway is... we are having the same blood type... we must cherish & treasure each other... haiz....

Hmmz..today then i realised last time my dad shi na me Wei Da & Yong Gan de... hmmz.. I wanna xue ta yi yang.. Yi ding yao xiang ta yi yang... I'm really proud of him..Fei chang Fei chang wei ta gan dao Jiao Au.. Daddy, Ni hao bang.. Wo yong yuan Ai Ni...


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