Dai Wo Fei, Yuan Yuan De, Dao Tian Ya, Dao Hai Jiao..

Nothing to do..So I took some picx!! Hehehe...
This morning, same like the past few days..always rotTtTt..Haiz..kinda busy with my SIP project..Very TiReD, bOrEd, SiAnZ and FaNz...
Shueiz siaz...After the driver CD was installed and configured in the LABVIEW software, my group member wanted to test out the interface. BUT the adapter of the weighing indicator was burnt. Yesturday the adapter was in good condition but now...Haiz..We didnt adjust the voltage of the adapter..but WhY wHy wHy... Our Mdm was unhappy about it. Tml confirm die..!!! haiz.. What an unlucky day menz..!!!
MisS my xIaO NiU..!!! hUm** (-_-)SighzzZzz
Everytime I see him, every sweet words that comes out from his mouth, every little things he do, will make my heart melts. He Is the One who brighten my day!!!
I LuVz U...
Time to Zzzz..
Buaiz, Nitez..!!!
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