|T's gONnA bE aNoThEr dAy wItH tHe SuNsH|nE....

Wa|tInG involve tRuStInG....!!!

Sunday, September 05, 2004

LuV lOvE LuV..

Today went out with my dearest RoNg..Walked walked & finally catched a movie named AnCoNdaS. I love to watch this kinda show, quite adventure and abit of horror.. but I prefer to watch scary and horror m o v i e s ( G... Shows) kekeke.. Hmmz..my dearest is sick now.. tio flu siaz.. so wish him get well soon. mUst tAkE gD cArE okie..!! and to all my frds, must take care of yourselves too, better don't fall sick...not gd gd for h e a l t h de. Hehehe..

On my way back, I saw my teckwondo Sir. I saw him quite a few times within this few months. Hmmz.. I used to love him very much. He is my dRe@M GuY (cOoLz, cUtE & ShUaIz..) when I was in pri 6 or sec 1. I used to be kinda sad whenever I saw him bUt now I must thank him for letting me go. I must also thanks bs too. If not I won't have such a good and nice gOnG GonG by my side, who always shower all his love to me & care for me alot alot. He is the only one who treasure and cherish me. But I hope my dear can always RaNg Wo, k k?
I just wanna tell my GoNg GoNg that yOu WiLl nEvEr bE rEpLaCed iN pO pO's heart. I promiseeeee...

Had a Wonderful day with ~dEaR~, & he bought me a casing for my cards, Thank you! =D


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