|T's gONnA bE aNoThEr dAy wItH tHe SuNsH|nE....

Wa|tInG involve tRuStInG....!!!

Sunday, September 26, 2004


Forgiveness is an act of love that springs from the love you feel for yourself. It is about letting go of who's right and who's wrong, releasing judgment and vindication. Without forgiveness, you will never be entirely free.

It is about releasing the past, and releasing yourself from the hold that the past has on you. Only then can you truly be present in this moment, open to all of life's possibilities and ready to create the future you want. When you hold a grudge, you are in a holding pattern, circling that time and place you are unwilling to let go of. You may not realize how much it continues to hold you there until an act of consciousness reveals that you have, in fact, been hovering.

My grievances hide the light of the world.
~A Course In Miracles
Forgiveness is a Peaceful Way because when you forgive, you set your heart free and allow your spirit to soar once again. Free of suffering, anger and judgment, you can now move on, live in the present and realize a life of love and kindness. Your wholeness depends on allowing yourself access to the love you hold for all humankind, not just for a select few.

Forgiveness is not about saying to the person that hurt you that what they did was ok, not at all. When you forgive, you are in essence saying, "I forgive you for what you did and the hurt it caused me because I care too much for myself to carry this pain in my heart a moment longer. Not forgiving you for all this time has kept me a victim well beyond its time. I forgive you, and by doing so I set my heart free to experience life fully once more."

I hold my face in my two hands,
No, I am not crying,
I hold my face in my two hands
To keep the loneliness warm-
Two hands protecting,
Two hands nourishing,
Two hands preventing
My soul from leaving me in anger.


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