hAa... lOnG tImE dIn uPdAte mY bLog lE... nOt rEalLy lOnG lAh.. jUst a fEw dAys onlI lOr.. kEkKEe...
7 July - wEnT tO bOwLinG wIf tOnY & hIs nEiCe afTeR wOrK... dAmmN cUtE lOr... In fUtUrE wIlL bE a dA mEi rEn... vEry iNnOcEnT, tIan zHen eTc.. hAo kE aI kE aI wOR.... nExT tImE tHeN uPloAd hEr pIcs in tHis bLog.. keKe... hEhE... wO hAi sHi hAo lAn lOr.. bUt sLigHtLy iMpRovEeeedd abIt bIT.. hEhe... aS lOnG aS mOrE thEn 60 pLus aLrEady cOnSidEr gOOD fOr mE... haha... hMmZ...aFtEr pLayEd pOOL... hAi sHi sHu gEi tA... hMmz.. bUt wO hAo xIanG goT iMpRovE lor... onLi left 2 bAlLs.. hahA... i mUst pRacTicE hArd... yI dInG yAo yInG tA... hAha... hMmZ... kEkE......
8 to 10 July - mAlAySia tRip.. tO gEntInG - rEachEd thErE aRD 4-5am plus bA (cAnT rEmenbEr lE) 1sT tIme bEen tO cAsInO... wOw... aCtUaLLy tO mE nOtHinG sPeCiaL lOr... jUst hAo Qi dE xIn tAi... hMmZ.. bUt duN rEalLy liKe tO bEi cHeck IC..wEnt iN 3 tImEs, aLso kAnNa cHeck IC 3 times.. hMmZ nVm hAha zHen mIng I'm veRy yOunG lOr.. bEtTer thAn sOmeONe zHe yAng dA lIao , kAnNa chEck IC 2 times.. kAn bU cHu wOr...hahaha LOLz.. jUst kD... yA lOr sOmeOnE alWayS gOt aLot oF CONFIDENT de... lAlALLA...mY mOrnInG breaDfAst "dUrIan pIzZa" lOlz quITe yUmMy lAh... bUt cHi tAi dUo yOu yI dIan Ni... pRefEr OrIgInaL DURIAN.... lOve dUrIan.. haha... afTer tHat wEnt to PlaY aRcheRy... 1st tIme plAyed thAt.. mOi veRy lAn.. bUt iT wAs fUn lOR.. kekE..sOmEonE bEtTer lA... haha... nExT waS thE gUn shOtinG... mY scOrE 233/300, tA dE sHi 270 (plus, wAn lE) / 300.. tO mE mOrE thaN 200 aLready vEry gD lE lOr.. LOlz..
dUnO cOnsIdEr sHuEI oR wAt.. wAitEd frOm 12pm to 1:30pm tO gEt thE kEy.. thE qUeue waS dAmn lOnG lOr... theIr mAnagmEnt iS sO LAn....haIsz.. bO pIan qUeuEd hAlfwAy thEn wEnt tO pLay tHemE pArk... i lOve tHemE pArk.. I lOve exciTing gAmes.. but...
aftEr ouR 1st rIde "flYinG cOastEr" (qUiTe exciTinG), 2nD was Pao cHe - rAcinG cAr... bUt i DonT tHinK thAt it cAn cOnsideR as RacIng cOz... most of the caR dAmn sLow loR.... liKe turtle like that... heHe.. qUeuEd uP fOr 1hR plUs, stIll vEry lOng... hAiz.. nAn lI zHi dAo... yOu xIe rEn shUo " sCalY dAo wO mEn dE sHi Hou jIu RAIN" jUst lEss thAn 10 min... realLy rAined heaVilY sIAz.. sObz..soBz... reAlLy sIAnZ hAlf lOr... hAiz... cAnNot pLay anY gAmes lOr...bUt yOu xI kAn... saW pPl qUarreLeD...LOLz... sO wE wEnt bAck & gT thE kEy... bAtheD lIao thEn cAme oUt agAin.. wEnt tO mAkan lUnCh cUm dInNer... hMmz fOunD a vEgEtaRian sHop in thE fOoDcOuRt.. yEahs.. nExt tIme bU pAi mEi de cHi.... haha.. yU zHong yU tIng lE....sO weNt tO tHemE pArk agAin... qUite fUn Lor... hAi bU sHi wO yAo dE eXcitEmEnt... oNe of The rIde "cLOSED" the mOst exciting rIdE in gEntIng bA.. cOng Gao GaO DiaO xIa lAi...like xIn hUi fEi dIao lIke tHat... hAiz.. xIa cHi yI dIng You Ji Hui De... lAla.. thE neXt dAy wEnT to KL "TImE sQuare"... thE shOPPinG cEnter is SOOOOOO bIg lOr... fEi Chang dE da... sOmeMore gOt iNdOoR tHemE pArk... thE rOlLaR cOaSteR dAmmn sHoiK lOr... hAha... jUe dE bU gOU shI jIan... hAi wAn bU gOu... sObz... (mY sIs toLd me nExt tIme sHe wiLl gO thEre & plAy... i ThinK I wIll gO oSo...aT lEast mUst plAy 5 tImeS pEr riDe...mUst plAy ALLL lor... hehe...) hmmz... On The wAy bAck tO thE bUs tErminal... hAha... cAbbY dRivEr toT thAt hE is 18 years old lor... dIaoz.. dOes hE rEalLy lOok likE 18??? LOLz... haha... nO wONdEr kAnNa cHeck IC lah.. LOlz... yOunG lA yOunG La... haha... hApPy?? LalalaLala... sOmeOne mUst bE sMiLIng lOr.. heeeHee... oVeRaLl... Im reAlLy vEry hApPy Lor.. i lOve thE ouTing... I lOve gEnting Ba... gUeSs.. aLot of thIngs hAven plAy...nO tIme tO plAy... sO... In fUtTUre... I wIll gO thEre De & wO hUi Qu CaSinO Wan......kEkE... "thE wHEEL"... hEhe...
@ -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- @
jUst wAnA sAy SoRRy tO mY Mama... I nOe thAt Im vEry Ren xIng.. yAo zHe yAng jIu yI dIng yAo... aLwAys quarrEL wIth U.. cOz i rEalLy dUn lIke yR attitude.. i nOe i oSo gOt attItUdE pRobLem.. sO sOrrie.. i guEsS mAybe 10 yEaRs lAteR thEn zHai nI mIan qIan shUo dUi bU Qi bA... hMmz.. pAst fEw dAys kInDa sAd.. bUt today rEalLy vEry haPpY lOr... sHe tOk to mE nIcEly lOR....& vEry weirEd lOr... tA jIng rAn dUi wO shUo... yAo bU yAo Qu xIAng Qin... dIao Diao DiAO loR... thAt dA yI mA lah ( mY mUm's bEst frd).. cAlleD mY mUm yEst... hEard fRom mY mum sAyIng thAt thE gUy veRy vEry yAnDAo... age oF 29 (liKe mY dAd & mUm, 8 yEaRs dIff) sOmEMore veRy vEry vEry rIch lOR... hIs sAlAry iS 10k plus loR.. fAthEr osO veRy rIch... sUmmOre thEy aLl are fO tang dE rEn... chArActer wIse vEry gD lOr.. cOz hIs fAthEr iS Dian chUAn Shi... vEry yOu xIu Yang Lor... bUT.... hIs fAthEr wanA xi fU yOunGer that hIs Son & aLsO mUst pReTTy pReTtY dE... bUt mE iS nOt lOr.... cOz Im Zhi Zhi Zhi mInG... hMmz sOmeMore nExt yEar mUst gEt mArRy lOr... bUt sO cuRiOus lOr... iF hE v V sHuaI.. thEn hOw Cum nO gF... hMmz... haha.. lAlAla.. anYwAY i dUn lIke thE mAtcHmAke wan lOr.. i pReFer zhI ran dE rEn Shi.... yIng wEi wo xIang xIn wO nEng zHao dao xIn fu De... reAlLy hApPy thAt mUm gEn wO shUo hUa hAo hAo....10s.. hOpe evEryday cAn tOk tO mE likE thIs... hehe.....
jiA lAt lE.... realLy Gain 2 kg... dIao lE.... mUst jIan Fei lE.... sObz...