|T's gONnA bE aNoThEr dAy wItH tHe SuNsH|nE....

Wa|tInG involve tRuStInG....!!!

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

A "Shuei" day....

Recently busy with my SIP report. Rushing like mad siaz.. Stayed in school till 9.45pm doing my report for the past 2 days. Very tired sia.. Luciky there's someone who always give me a morning call, if not, I will continue ZzZzzping like a PIG. Must thanks my gOnGoNg... But i also have to 10s another of my frd who also wake me up today.. ^-^

Today, so uNluCkY menz..Coz... Just now I went to POSB there, wanna deposit money to my bank so that i can pay my HP bill. Then hor.. i put my card to the to the cash deposit machine, then my card kanna retained by that !@#$% machine. A guy behind me hor, also put his card in, but also kanna eaten by this LAN machine. I called to the customer service, waited for a very long time. Yet, NO one answer the phone... SO BAD... wHat kinda service is that menz..?? SO....@!#$%^&*.....Wasted my precious time siaz.... Tml have to go and reapply the card menz...sianz...

Monday, September 27, 2004

MisSinG yOu....

**~~mY gOnG gOnG dAmn shuAi~....!!!~~~**

~I LuV yOu~

Sunday, September 26, 2004


Forgiveness is an act of love that springs from the love you feel for yourself. It is about letting go of who's right and who's wrong, releasing judgment and vindication. Without forgiveness, you will never be entirely free.

It is about releasing the past, and releasing yourself from the hold that the past has on you. Only then can you truly be present in this moment, open to all of life's possibilities and ready to create the future you want. When you hold a grudge, you are in a holding pattern, circling that time and place you are unwilling to let go of. You may not realize how much it continues to hold you there until an act of consciousness reveals that you have, in fact, been hovering.

My grievances hide the light of the world.
~A Course In Miracles
Forgiveness is a Peaceful Way because when you forgive, you set your heart free and allow your spirit to soar once again. Free of suffering, anger and judgment, you can now move on, live in the present and realize a life of love and kindness. Your wholeness depends on allowing yourself access to the love you hold for all humankind, not just for a select few.

Forgiveness is not about saying to the person that hurt you that what they did was ok, not at all. When you forgive, you are in essence saying, "I forgive you for what you did and the hurt it caused me because I care too much for myself to carry this pain in my heart a moment longer. Not forgiving you for all this time has kept me a victim well beyond its time. I forgive you, and by doing so I set my heart free to experience life fully once more."

I hold my face in my two hands,
No, I am not crying,
I hold my face in my two hands
To keep the loneliness warm-
Two hands protecting,
Two hands nourishing,
Two hands preventing
My soul from leaving me in anger.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

Xing Fu De Di Tu...

Today, supposed to meet my senior, Jian Hui (Shuai Ge), to catch a movie at bugis. The movie was "Jing Cha Gu Shi" by Jackie Chan. I love to watch this kinda shows. But in the end we decided to change to next SAT. Coz today Huimin was buzy with her project thingy, and if I watched with him only --> abit of weird weird de..
Somemore my boy boy might not be happy about it. Sorrie har..

So after the NE talk, I accompanied my boy boy and his frds to MaKaM (OPP of Sch).
Then we went back to school to study for the coming exam (Next Next Wk lah). Not Me wor.. Coz I don't have any ExAm this semester.. It is THEM lor..poorthing siaz.. But nvm lah..Must Jia Jia Jia Youz... sAiYaNg my boi boi...Although I couldn't go out with my GongGong this week, but I enjoyed the accompany with him. I was resting on the table meanwhile he was studying and was hugging me lor. I felt so Wen Xin and Shu Fu.. We chat alot alot of thingy.. about the past, dislike stuffs.. and so on. I was so happy. He was happy too..!! He told me that he love to hear me talk.. hehe...I love to hug him while he is studying. Although can't help much, at least support him (Zhi Chi Ta), like Bei Hou De Nu Ren like that.

After that we went to the CS there to play the arcade. Actually I hate CS there.. Coz I had lost my Purse (with IC and other things) 2 years ago.. Somemore my sis also had lost her thingy last few weeks. Haiz..3 Guys played the "OutRun" about the car wan..paiseh I don't remember the name. Anyway my boiboi Ying (Won Won Won) them.. Hurray.... hehez.. Well Done Gongong..!! Then I played the Percusion (Drum) with him. Haha 1st time got 2 A- in the normal mode and a B.. but couldnt take any pic pic de.. sobz sobz.. Nevermind, next time i will try harder then can take a pic with him..!! So that it will display in the machine.. Haha... maybe have to wait long long ba.. I enjoyed alot alot.. Must Thankz to my GongGong...!! Xie Xie Ni...!!!
But then hor.. I left 1 dollar at the percusion there.. Luckily not my purse lor..!! If not.. I can knock the wall le..I'm so forgetful menz..Haiz..

Exams coming le, so i hope all my frds will do well. WoRkZ hArDs, ReSt WeLl & JiA yOuz.....all da Best to you guys.....!!

Celebrated MaOmAo's belated biRdAy

Yesturday went to JP to have our dinner at the foodcourt with Amy, Juan, Sherry,
Shi An & Jia. After that we went to the HBD void deck (near sherry's hse) to celerate Juan's belated bday. We bought a 600g Ice Cream CAKE named Black Forest. After we sang the birday song to her, we realised that there was no knife to cut the cake..so pathetic siaz.. So 6 of us took a spoon and ate like this (We are so close that we don't mind to share our saliva..Hahaha...) *YuMmY* The chocolate ice cream cake was so nice.. but there was alot of coco powder at the top. Everybody was so full siaz. "bUrpz.." It was quite fun and enjoyed at that moment...
After that we went to a place near Boonhaw's hse. We played True game..kinda boring lor coz.. actually I don't have any Qn to ask any of them lor..Even Juan they all also don't have any Qn.. So abit of.. You look at me, I look at you (Ni Kan Wo Wo Kan Ni)... haiz.. But mostly aimed at Amy, coz we are curious to know about her current relationship...
I felt that we are not as close as before..Coz our current school different ba.. haiz.. Still prefer Sec school DaYs...!!! It was really fun and happy to be with them... No matter what... They will be my Best frds forever...!! I'm glad to have them as my frds...Take Care my frds...!!!
We reached home at 12 am plus....!!!

Wednesday, September 22, 2004


Hmmz... Kinda sAd.. Abit of disappointment.. not becoz of my project. Just that someone who had promised me last week that the person would have lunch with me either this Mon or Tues... But... until now... haiz.. I can't blame the person lah.. Maybe the person very buzy. But still... abit sad...!!! Don't make me happy for a moment but in the end is a disppointment.. Haiz... As for my project.. Haiz.. abit of fan lor.. but I think we will be able to finish the work. If not we have to come back during the holiday to finish up the project. haiz..
Hmz.. Miss my sec frds... Amy, Juan, Sherry, Boon Haw kor, Yu long and richie...etc
How are you guys? Wanna sing KTV with them....
But nvm this coming fri, I will be able to see my "Sister" and will be celebrating Juan's belated bday...

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Sadness Day in School.....

I just don't understand why he's still angry with me. I don't think it's my fault... Maybe my words are tactless to him.. but why did he have to blame that kind of thing on me? We didn't talk to each other since Tuesday. Am I wrong? Am I totally wrong? I just told my supervisor that for our project, we couldn't shift the direction, we could only tilt to an angle, either left or right. Coz of my words, Mdm asked him to re-build the hinge to a square type ( to have symmetrical in our prototype), as our current hinge is in rectangular. If the direction change, the signal that send to the computer from the loadcell and the weight indicator will be change too, this affect my programming part. I have to find the offset value again and again.......and minus off that value.. I didn't mean to ask him to rebuild, I just wanted to let Mdm know that if we turn the direction, it will have problem de....so it is better for us to tilt left and right only. But... He came to me and blamed all the fault on me.. The words he said are so sarcastic.. I'm damn angry about it. Please lor...This is a grp project...I'm very sianz half if things continue like that...Then that day i sent 6 msg to him, telling him about the things im unhappy about (abit of tactless la).. After that, He didn't wanna talk to me le...
Even Today... DAMN SAD.. He is so stubbord that he purposely wanna rebuild the hinge... Even if he rebuild it, it will not be symmetrical coz of the turning part.. I don't know how to say....but i know it myself.....Even Bryan and Huang Hui also know that...Then bryan lah.. wanna me to tell him...As he scared that after he has finished the new hinge, we may not be using it..This will waste his time... Actually don't feel like talking to him... He like bo chap me... The words he said hor.. purposely zhen dui wo.. Although he pushed the fault to Mdm.. but I know who he was saying... I'm Not Stupid okay... His words got Dai Chi de lor.....Even Bryan felt that too... He purposely wanna build that square hinge to prove me that even that also can't make the reading stable..It is not the matter lor... haiz...
Is not that i don't wanna be frd with him... Just that... haiz... I also don't know... Bryan told me alot of things today.... I'm too sad.. too sianz.... too tired le....
I cried today.... So Xia Shuei... Somemore infront of them... arrrrgh... But i have learned something from today...."Always depend on yourself and do things yourself then asking help from frds" I'm regretted to let Mahinda and Huang Hui joined my group... Or I should say In the beginning i shouldn't agree to let them join me... haiz....

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

All the love in the world..

Haiz.. LATE again.. Signz.. Luckily the fierce lady didn't scold me..if not.... Hehe... Feeling unhappy today, coz of my grpmate againz.. sighz.. What's wrong with me? Haiz.. Why do I always Buai Gan with him? Very Tiring de...

Hmmz... Now I finished learning the guitar plucking of Guan Huai Fang Shi (introduction). Hopefully can Tang Gei Wo De GongGong listen the whole song... After that wanna learn Canon D plucking and many other songs like True Love, Can't Help Falling In Love, All the Love In The World etc... Actually I long time didnt play guitar le.. about 3 years ba... My guitar already RuSt..sobz sobz..
Coz of Huang Hui and Byran.. making me xin yang yang whenever they are searching for the guitar tab and learning it... then my interest is back.. yuppie.. hehe... next time can play together with them... YeAhz...

Saturday, September 11, 2004

SuCkz LiFe..!!!

I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself I hate myself








Hmmz..Today is Juan Juan's bday. Here by Wish you HaPpIe bIrDay to you. May your relationship will last. Hope all your dreams will come true. Stay young and pretty...! Frds foreva.. Take care....

Thursday, September 09, 2004


KiNdA bored and always sLaCk in school.. Now already week 11, 3 more weeks to go. YeAh yEah YeAh, holiday soon.. But my project....sigHz.. If can make it then good la, If can't then die lor.. Hahaz.. hmmz.. but hopefully by next week, all my problems can be solved. YuPpiE.. Mdm was satisfied with our project..still got HoPeS.. hehez.. Haiz... I don't know how much I have spent on cab fare since the school started. This week I spent 12 buckz on the cabby. haiz.. I have already late 6 times for my sip, I can't afford to late again.. If not I'm outta SiP (mAyBe) and also will kanna scolded by the FiErCe Mu Lao Hu.

"LiTtLe PiGgY, must wake up early, okay?" Must Must Must...

You can check out with this WeBbY :

I'M BLUE TIGER, how about you??
Some it's true, some... hmmz...???

You are Blue Tiger, who is cheerful and straight forward person, but you also possess pure and clean atmosphere.
You are very active, and don't flirt with men and are not cautious towards them.
You are open-minded person with big warm heart.
You can make decent decisions and have observing eyes.
You are also intelligent and self confident.
Nevertheless you are not very good at quick decision makings, and tend not to act before you are convinced thoroughly.
But once convinced, you will go the whole way.
You are very popular, because of the way in which you don't show favoritism and you can make decisions on reason.
Unlike your cheerfulness, you tend to be very sensitive and tend to worry needlessly.
You seem like a romantic type, but you are very realistic and don't go following your dreams forever.
You are actually thinking a lot about your future.
Although you seem like a big-sister type, you can be conservative towards men.
You have good sense, but your interests are rather old fashioned.
When you are in a difficulty, there will always be someone to help you.
Those who received lots of help from the others tend to become warm hearted, and take care of the other people well.
You tend to link love and marriage.
And you wish for the two to become one.
Even if you get married, you tend to find activity outside home, so it will be good for you to keep a distance.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

NeVa EnDiNg sToRy..

~ Romance of "Boi & Gal" ~

Gal got to know this boi in poly (2nd year, 1st sem). He was the leader in her group. The 1st impression on him was another type of typical "BeNg" & abit "DaO" kia.
She never thought that he would enter her life...

One day, gal had recieved a missed call from boi regarding about the project. So she called him back.. Actually gal don't remembered how's the boi looks like. She only remembered the other guy named KL, in her group. Since after that, they began to msg each other. Gal was so happy to recieve all his msgs and his calls. Even a small small greeting like "How are you?", "Haven you eaten?", & "What are you doing" and so on..can make the gal happy.

Until one fine day, boi asked gal to watch a movie. Without hasitation, gal agreed.

Finally the day had came. She was excited for the day to be arrived. After school, boi waited for the gal, and they went to city hall together. Only the 2 of them lor. After they bought the tickets (boi treated the gal), they went to esplanade there to have a stroll. They sat down and chatted among each other. Actually gal knew boi interested in her, but she just continued act blur. She just afraid that she was wrong. Perhaps she thinks to much le.. She is short and fat.. He is tall and thin.. It's impossible that the boi will like the gal..

At 7pm plus, they went to Suntec and watched a movie, titled "Wrong Turn". Before the show had ended, boi used his hp to msg the gal. After the gal read the msg, she was shocked. Her heart beat became faster and faster. XiN hAo RuAn hAo RuAn.. She dared not to reply boi's msg. She couldn't believe boi would ask her to be his galfrd. After the show ended, boi kept on promoting himself while walking towards mrt station. Like how good he is & blah blah blah.. He talked like "JiE jIe bA Ba"..kinda shy & paiseh..(very cUtEz) The way he talks, he walks, his smiles, his action, his sincerity & etc have attracted the gal. She was touched. Every steps the gal moved, she said to herself " Yes, No, Yes, No....Want or don't want.."

FiNalLy... When they were in the train, gal agreed to be boi's galfrd. Boi was extremely happy that he hugged her and held her hand tightly. [ 31 07 03, 9pm plus ] was the date and time where they became a couple.


[3/8/03] - Boi had first kissed on gal's forehead.
[8/8/03] - It was a CCN day. Gal was so happy to recieve the 1st item from the boi. It was a blue rose. She loves it very much.
[9/8/03] - It was NaTiOnAl dAy. Boi & gal went to watch a movie named "Home Run", at jurong east. They had their 1st MuACkZzZz.
[4/9/03] - They 1st time went to ECP together, to watch sunset... listen to the wave.. very soothing and relaxing..
& so on...

Love has grown....
She was so happy to be with boi....

~ Gal broke Boi's heart " ~

One Saturday morning, while boi was away for his rock climbing competition, gal and the other goup members were in school doing MCT project. Boi's good frd, KL told gal alot of things regarding about the boi. She believed what KL had told her... Deep inside gal's heart, She was miserable. She was so angry that she said," Zhe Zhong Nan Ren Bu Yao Ye Ba". Her 1st thought was to break up with boi. ...she felt lost siaz.. She didn't know what to do, so she took bus to toa payoh and went to kovan to find her Jie Fu and her frd, Melvin. Even when boi called and msg her, she just ignored it. Boi was so worried about the gal. He didn't know what had happened...
This had causes the boi to be moody when he went for work. Finally she replied to his msgs and calls.
After gal's Jie fu and Melvin had consoled her. Gal felt much more better. She went to doby ghaut to meet boi at 11:15pm. Gal told boi what KL had told her. But she hided things from him which was gal's thought. She was afraid to tell boi about her thought, she didn't wanna see boi to be sad and unhappy about it. After that, boi and gal were fine.. and back to normal..

The next day, boi went out with KL and a girl named J, to study. In the morning, boi got msg gal. He was happy. But... during afternoon, there was no news from boi. Gal sent alot of msgs to boi, but boi didnt reply. She knew that something was wrong. But she couldnt do anything. She waited and waited.. Gal sent another msg to boi, telling him that she would go & find him. yet still no replied.. Finally a call from KL. He told gal that boi didnt want to talk to her, and asked her not to find him. Upon hearing that, Gal was down. She was so worried. She sent a msg to boi and told him that she would wait for boi till 11pm at the garden. Gal waited there for about an hour. At last boi came. He looked so angry. Gal had never seen him so angry before. He sitted beside her... hmmz there was silent for a moment... Boi vented out all the unhappy things that he heard from KL. But gal dared to look at him. So boi came up to gal and hugged her. But gal pushed him away. She felt remorseful and sad. Boi continued hugged her and asked y did gal said "Zhe Zhong Nan Ren Bu Yao Ye Ba".. Gal had really broken his heart. Tears flowed down his cheeks. Eventually gal also hugged back and cried. She really didn't mean that. She just too angry as she thought it was real. Gal was touched by his action, her heart was melted. CoZz she knew that boi really cared for her and loved her alot that why he cried so badly.

Everyting back to normal...

Their relationship become stronger and stronger. Gal can't live without boi. She love him so much that she can't control herself.

~ RoMaNcE continue.." ~

Things started to change....

After Gal's exam (year 2 sem 2) had over. She had to work in her mum's shop during holiday. She was desperately in need of money. Not only that, her mum needed her as she shortage of worker. Coz of this, Gal neglected boi for the whole 2mth. So boi joined his club. Many things had happened. They always quarrel. Gal also felt very sad. She missed boi alot alot. She couldn't blame boi... but had to blame herself. Gal pretented nothing had happened....Every thing will be alrite....
Finally school started, but things did not get better. For the whole one month before their 1 year aniversary, their msg getting lesser and lesser. They seldom talk to each other. They hardly meet and even hardly go out together. She felt so terrible. Her heart was broken. She felt insecure. She lied to herself and didn't dare to face the music.. She would like to say sorry to boi. Within that few weeks, there's 2 guys out there who had treated the gal nicely. They cared for the gal & consoled her & made her laughed. This made the gal began to like them but only at that moment. She had never betrayed the boi before. Just that she was very upset about the current relationship. But deep in her heart, She still love the boi very much. The gal had been waiting for the guy to tell her but they dragged and dragged..When she felt like giving hope... boi finally told her about his feelings. This time round, the gal thought that their relationship going to end like this. This was not what she wanted. She merely wanted to be with the boi... acompany him forever...

Gal wanna tell boi that 'LaOGoNg, After many incidents, I realised that no one can replace you in my heart. Now I didn't like anyone else except YOU. I promise you that i will never ever like others in future. Coz You hold an important place in my heart. Without you, I can't survive. Only you can give me happiness..Yeah It's YoU dEaR.. Please believe me that I really trust you back. I'm very contented to be with you. Really.. Since after our 1 year Ani, I was very happy. You give me secure in you.. You give me faith in you.. I know how deep is your love for me.. Thank you very muchz.. But I'm sure that my love for you will be double of yours.. hehe.. Please don't hide anything from me le. Tell me everything if u sad, and I will tell you de.. LaOgOnG..10s..I |uV you truely, deeply and madly..!!'

LuV lOvE LuV..

Today went out with my dearest RoNg..Walked walked & finally catched a movie named AnCoNdaS. I love to watch this kinda show, quite adventure and abit of horror.. but I prefer to watch scary and horror m o v i e s ( G... Shows) kekeke.. Hmmz..my dearest is sick now.. tio flu siaz.. so wish him get well soon. mUst tAkE gD cArE okie..!! and to all my frds, must take care of yourselves too, better don't fall sick...not gd gd for h e a l t h de. Hehehe..

On my way back, I saw my teckwondo Sir. I saw him quite a few times within this few months. Hmmz.. I used to love him very much. He is my dRe@M GuY (cOoLz, cUtE & ShUaIz..) when I was in pri 6 or sec 1. I used to be kinda sad whenever I saw him bUt now I must thank him for letting me go. I must also thanks bs too. If not I won't have such a good and nice gOnG GonG by my side, who always shower all his love to me & care for me alot alot. He is the only one who treasure and cherish me. But I hope my dear can always RaNg Wo, k k?
I just wanna tell my GoNg GoNg that yOu WiLl nEvEr bE rEpLaCed iN pO pO's heart. I promiseeeee...

Had a Wonderful day with ~dEaR~, & he bought me a casing for my cards, Thank you! =D

Saturday, September 04, 2004

Song : Never Be Replaced..

Artist: 1st Ladi


Baby I love you and i'll never let you go
But if I have to boy I think that you should know
All the love we make can never be erase
And i promise you that you will never be replaced
Baby I love you and I'll never let you go
But if I have to boy I think that you should know
All the love we make can never be erase
And i promise you that you will never be replaced

I love you yes i do
I'll be with you as long as you want me too
Until the end of time
From the day I met you
I know we've be together
And now I know I wanna be with you forever
I wanna marry you and i wanna have your kids
Thinking never compare to feel enough to kisses
I can say i'm truly happy to the same
You've made me think I'll die and live my life hesitate
There's never been no doubt in my mind
That i'll regret ever having you by my side
But if the day come that i'll have to let you go
I think that something I should probadly let you know
With everything that i spent with you
Then i will miss you cuz i'm happy that i have you at all

[Repeat Chorus]

I feel for you yes i do
I'll be with you as long as you want me to
Until the end of time

Thursday, September 02, 2004


Yeah.. Feeling very GoOd..Just now went to Cementi with my Jie Jie.. After that we went to arcade to play music g a m e s. It was very fun sia... Total I have spent 9 buckz on it..BrOkEz siaz.. But nevermind, as long as my sis and I enjoyed then can le... We played the Music Drum (I have forgotten the name), it has many chinese pop song like Ai Ni, Ai Qing Di Tu, Ai De Zhu Ta Ge and many more.. This machine can take picz sia... but must top top score ( top 10 or 20 ba) then can.. I enjoyed taking picz..hehe... somemore with my Sis.. Next time wanna go and play this music game..

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Whatz a *** day...

My life is totally like a MeSs. Very fAn & very stress!! Thankz god that my love life is still doing great. Must thankz to my dearest --> RoNgrOnG!
But... SiGnZ..
What's wrong with me? argh~~ Why do ppl always getting moody, sad & unhappy over a small thing. Why can't ppl live happily without quarrelling, fighting or arguing among their friends and even their siblings & parents?? LiFe sUx menz..

I felt moody since last week till now. I don't know WhY I felt this way. Perhaps many things had happened during the week and all "MENG" zhai wo de xin li. Hao xin Ku~! I felt so stress and pressure over my work. But... what make me more upset is my frd and family. For my family: I don't know why I so pekchay while talking to her. It seems like our communication breaks down like getting far far apart. All the words she says.. make me even more sad de.. As for my frd (grpmate): Haiz.. I know he is joking with me, but sometimes his words are too mean and sarcastic. Instead of jokes, it become provoking me. I just hate it. Maybe I take things too seriously.. Maybe I can't control my temper enough. Maybe I just....hAiz.. I might hurt ppl around me, I might be tactless to ppl before, or even treated them badly..I'm sorry.. really sorry if you are the one.. haiz
After had my hair cut, I'm becoming more blur and clumsy. sIgHnzZz..
eg. I always dropped books or papers etc onto the floor... and Ppl asked A, I answered B.... How stupid I am...

Hoping tml will be a fine day....!!!